Welcome to the Arti-Designs Albums. We have hundreds of albums to browse with many thousand of images contained within for you use and/or your enjoyment. All images are available for purchase to use as you wish in either digital or print form. The resolution of available images will be higher that the maximum viewable here on this portfolio site which is only for display purposes. If you are interested in any images please don't hesitate to contact us and we'll happily work with you to meet your specific needs or requirements. All proceeds of Arti-Designs go to support Gates Museum Ltd in Street, Somerset our Sewing Machine Museum and Gallery. See gates-museum.com

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Artitm Designs

Welcome to Artitm Designs featuring Gates Originalstm - image gallery
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our images please contact us, thank you and enjoy


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1880's 1890's 1900's 1910's 1920's 1930's 1940's 1950's 1960's 1970's 3 Graces African Alphonse Mucha, Americana Angel Anime antique Art Art nouveau Art Nouveaux Art Work Arti Artist Baby Bawdy Beach black & white Blue Bottle British Comedy British Icons Brochure Bubbles Burning Butterfly Calendar Cartoon Castle Cat Catalogue Children Chrome Colourful Comic Contraption Copperplate Country House Crystal Crystal Ball Dali Daughter Decades Decay Design Diner Disco Divas Dog Dolls Dragonfly Drawn dress Dress Shop Dutch Edwardian Egyptian Elderly Man Elderly Woman Factory Fairy Fantasy Fashion Festival Film Fire Fireplace Flapper Flowers French garden Garment Factory Gates Art Gentleman Girl Glamour Glass Gold Gown Graphic Graphic Art Graphic Comic Green Gypsy Handcrank Heath Robinson Hippy Hollywood Indian Industry Ink Japanese Jewelled Jewellery Kitten Leonardo Da Vinci Line Art Magazine Cover Mechanical Medevil Melting Mice Michael Angelo Modern Monotone Mother Mouse nascar Owls Painted Painting Patterns Peaky Blinders Pencil Pharoh Postcards Poverty Pre-Raphaelites Prince Princess Puppy Rainbow Red Red Head retro Rockabilly Royal Rust Sculptural Sea Seamstress sewing Sewing Machine Sewing Pattern Sewing Patterns Shed Sherlock Holmes Shop Silver Singer Sleeping Smoke Sphinx Stained Glass Starlet Stars & Stripes Steam Punk Still Life street Street Kids summer Sunlight Surealist Surrealist Tailor Teddy Tibetan Time Life Toys Tradecards Treadle Trio TV Character Union Jack Vermeer Victorian Vintage Vogue Watercolour Western Wings Woman Women Workers